"Whatever you do
Work at it with all your Heart ,
as working for the Lord
Colossians 3:23"
Here's a posting to show you the Christmas Craft we will be doing on Friday the October 9th The cost is $1:00 per Child and will require parental assistance!
Note: Remeber to prepare your Children to participate! I Know if I spring something on Molly at the last minute I get mixed responces...so I encourage you to take the time to go through the process of telling everybody what we will be doing as fridays craft.
There are 9 Oatmeal Dishtowels, 3 green, 5 burgandy, and 6 red! For the wings if you would like to use some of your childrens school work you can copy it onto card stock or give it to me and I will do it and return it to you at a later date!
The Piece of machinery We will be using to crinckle the angel wing
was produced by the first female patent to file a patent in the USA!
If you would Like to Do some research her name was
Susan R. Knox
and the patent she filed was on November 20, 1866
My model is not her first patten
The String was given to me at a swap meet this past spring and is Scottish linen!
Much love!! Thanks so much for sharing!!